fucked and blowjob stories

fucked and blowjob stories

 Unfortunately or fortunately, sex is of two kinds, depending on the motive that cause it. I say unfortunately because sex should crowned a loving relationship and be out of love. That's what I call making love, not sex.
Fortunately say, because there are always waves of love and we need a certain age, sexual discharge (do not tell you, sexologists say). And then you have a three-way action (if more, agree).
The first and easiest is masturbation. But every man is tired of crab apples and search for something better.
Then we go to a prostitute. It's a little better because we remove the communist slogan: "I produce, I control, I benefited" is a production in two. Just as production benefits are different: it benefits from downloading sexual pleasure, she paid him the money. Of course that pleasure can not be at hooker. I for one I would not allow him to do what he loved doing, adjacent sex. Would only benefit from her: I give money, she cargo transposed into sexual pleasure.
A third way is to have sex with a person you do not love her, but you're physically attracted: you like. Here comes a certain affection, attraction. Sex with such persons is one pleasant as possible. Some consider this as enjoyable sex as the person you love. And there is something that gives satisfaction increased in this case: the partners have obligations, one another.

As for frigidity, this is a very complex phenomenon. If you say it has a psychological, physiological, social and organic, I do not say very much, but thinking about than we realize how vast is the field.
One thing I want to raise here: being allocated by women because of this phenomenon, men. And how unfair this is. It does not deny that some cases are due to those selfish men who do not understand that women go hard over sexual beginnings unpleasant, aggressive, it has not been given due attention.
But most are due to factors ex-partner. It's true that they, with a sympathetic partner can be overcome, with one condition: she must not be Gica-counter and cooperate. Otherwise these ladies should expect that their partner was cheating them. And here I am right men.

Did you know that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body? Imagine what he can do to a woman if you do oral sex. Since the tongue can control easier and better than penis. Not only is language naturally lubricated with saliva but can handle a cock as you will not be able to ever handle. So why not oral sex?


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